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Community Development Department 
The city purchased new software to streamline the permitting process and the staff has been trained. This was a start to better days but unfortunately we have been hit by three hurricanes, resulting in devastation for many of our residents and businesses. Hundreds of permits are needed and the process is still not clear or streamlined. We need consistent community-wide communications from our permitting department. We need a proactive planning and zoning department that helps solve our coastal city needs and presents options to our residents. The streamlining of this department and focusing on customer service have to be the top priority to reduce the frustration of our residents and for us to make a full recovery.
Lots of time and money were spent gathering resident feedback regarding a plan for our marina. What would we want if we were to suffer severe damage from a storm and have to rebuild as well as what improvements would the residents welcome? The message at the meeting was loud and clear for folks who were in attendance. Of course, none of us knew how close we were to the hurricane beatings we took this year. The consensus that I gathered from the meeting is that residents want more parking for the boat trailers; they don't want the trailers parked in front of their homes on the city streets. They want bathrooms in the southern area near the proposed living shoreline. They do not want additional commercial development. The results were never discussed at a council meeting and it was tabled. Now, we have suffered three hurricanes without any agreed-upon plan. We must revisit the information we already have and hold a city-led town hall meeting sooner rather than later. Our council must be willing to consider the wishes of the residents before implementing a recovery plan for the future of the marina.


As the "Gateway to the Gulf," we must welcome and accept our boaters who are compliant.  Our visiting, compliant, responsible, and knowledgeable boaters are tired of being grouped with the ones who are not. I want to see a marine officer in place and safety enforcement on a regular basis.

Please watch these videos for responses to residents' questions.


Now I want to hear from you! Please let me know what you think the biggest city issues are. I truly want to hear from you.

Ideally, during what hours would you like me to have office hours (eg, once a week)?

How would you like to receive communications from the mayor?

Please contact me through email,



Committee to Elect Karen Love
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